We couldn’t do the work that we do without YOU. Get involved with Growing Hope by volunteering to help with our programs on the Growing Hope Urban Farm or at the Ypsilanti Farmers MarketPlace, attend our community events and fundraisers, check out our employment opportunities, or donate funds to help us run our programs. 

When We Fight, We Win

Beloved community, For so many reasons, autumn is my favorite season, and I hope you’ve enjoyed its first glimpse. The slow unfolding of...

Community-Centric Fundraising on the Farm

Greetings! I’m thrilled to invite you to share a meal with us during Chefs in the Garden on September 15 and/or September 22. Each bite...

Growing Hope Awards Inaugural Sprout Grants to Empower Community Gardens in Ypsilanti

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Contact: Ayanfe Jamison Garden Manager [email protected] 734-786-8401 Growing Hope Awards Inaugural Sprout...