Home Vegetable Garden Program Applications Open!

The Home Vegetable Garden Program seeks to increase access to healthy food for low income Ypsilanti residents through installing free raised bed gardens and providing one on one garden support at family homes, community centers, housing facilities, apartment complexes and religious institutions.

Be a Garden Mentor!

The mentorship applications for 2019 are closed. Thanks for your interest!  If you are interested in signing up for next year, please send an email to Bee (@) Growing Hope (dot) net Apply to be a Garden Mentor for New Home Vegetable Gardeners We are excited to...

Welcome Cynthia!

Growing Hope is pleased to welcome Cynthia VanRenterghem as its new Executive Director, starting on May 29. Under her leadership, Growing Hope will continue to increase access to healthy food by growing core programs while serving emerging community needs.“Cynthia has...

Eagle Scout Project for Growing Hope

Joe Capuano, a local Boy Scout from Troop 290, has been working with the Growing Hope team to complete an Eagle Scout project. Joe became familiar with Growing Hope’s work as a volunteer for Youth Volunteer Corps, a summer camp through YMCA that takes teens to...