March 2023

I slowly traveled home the evening of this ice storm, in complete awe of the scene nature had painted for us. Trees shimmering with ice, as bright as diamonds on a cold February evening.  That evening I heard nothing but the crackling of tree limbs and the howl of...
Building A CSA with Farm Manager, Christopher

Building A CSA with Farm Manager, Christopher

As this funky Michigan warm weather draws nearer, I am finding myself spending more and more time outdoors preparing for the approaching growing season. Switching gears from desktops full of spreadsheets, old notes from the previous years, and bed maps for planting to...

February 2023

What does a connection to land mean to you? Answering this question for me as a Black American is beautifully complex.  Connection to the land is a means of connecting with our ancestors.  Black Americans have a deep history of stewarding the land within this country....
Staff Stories: June

Staff Stories: June

Hi, my name is Juniper, and I’m Growing Hope’s Teen and Schools Manager! I’m still in my first year here at Growing Hope, though I have years of experience working with teens to promote youth-driven spaces.  At my core, I’m an artist, and I’ve used that background to...

January 2023

Twenty thousand.  This is the number of seedlings planted and nurtured at Growing Hope last year alone. Yes, 20,000, and we sourced an additional 10,000 from other local farms! Take a moment and imagine it; 20,000 new plants gracing the Growing Hope Urban farm...