
Twenty thousand. 

This is the number of seedlings planted and nurtured at Growing Hope last year alone. Yes, 20,000, and we sourced an additional 10,000 from other local farms!

Take a moment and imagine it; 20,000 new plants gracing the Growing Hope Urban farm throughout the spring, summer, and fall. Produce from which is sown back into the community through a variety of community partners and the Produce Cart. An additional 10,000 populate gardeners’ backyards of all skill levels, providing joy, education, produce, and support to a more sovereign community.

I am struck by this snapshot of how hope is sown through gardening. This year, we’ve converted the farmhouse’s basement to double the number of seedlings grown for the community. 

Planting a seed is an act of love. 

We tell the earth “I love you” as we sow and trust that it loves us back. How might the world look different if we regularly consider that the earth loves and cares for us?

Growing Hope will turn twenty this year! That’s twenty years of planting seeds in the soil and minds of our beloved community. We continue along this journey not only because we believe in the power of getting your hands in the dirt—but in the hope that these seeds will grow, build roots, and model a more just and sovereign food system. Let’s grow together!

In solidarity,


P.S.  As we celebrate 20 years, I would love to hear your story of the seeds Growing Hope planted or how it has touched your community.