
Beloved community,

For so many reasons, autumn is my favorite season, and I hope you’ve enjoyed its first glimpse. The slow unfolding of this crimson season, paired with the crisp breeze and leaves crunching beneath our feet, reminds us of and invites us into Earth’s cycle of resilience through rest.

Our regional community of growers is experiencing nothing short of heartbreak as Earth turns us toward a season of rest. 

Despite their many contributions to the local community, our comrades at Detroit Farm & Cider face ongoing challenges from the city, including unfair zoning disputes and bureaucratic hurdles that threaten their operations.

Until last month, Leandra King (aka Farmer Lee) had been threatened with jail time for keeping farm animals on her property. Now, the City of Detroit is illegally trying to seize the farm in a civil case! 

The city has petitioned for an emergency injunction to seize Detroit Farm & Cider, alleging that the farm poses an irreparable danger to public health, safety, and welfare, claiming it is a public nuisance and environmental threat. However, these claims are strongly refuted, as the farm is fully licensed and permitted, with letters of support from surrounding neighbors and businesses. The city’s actions would result in the demolition of the farm, forcing the King family from their home and destroying the nation’s first Black-owned cider mill.

These actions are part of a broader pattern of systemic barriers that disproportionately impact Black farmers and undermine community-driven food sovereignty efforts. 

This battle is not just about one farm but about protecting land access, autonomy, and the right to define food systems free from institutional oppression. As Detroit Farm & Cider fights to survive, it reflects the broader global movement for food sovereignty, where marginalized communities strive to reclaim their right to grow, distribute, and access fresh, healthy food.

This is a shared fight for justice, resilience, and community control over our food systems in Ypsilanti and beyond.

In Solidarity,



P.S. Support Farmer Lee’s family as they fight to keep their land and legacy, join the movement, and stand with Farmer Lee! Donate to fight with Farmer Lee!