Growing Hope serves youth and schools in the Ypsilanti community and beyond. Our programs include garden-based nutrition education on the Growing Hope Urban Farm, in classrooms, in after-school programs, and in summer camps.
We employ teens after school and every summer to train them as leaders in the local food movement. Learn More
Our Seed to Plate program is a cooking and gardening series aimed at Ypsilanti students pre-K through 8th grade. Learn More
Growing Hope is an active member of Ypsilanti Community School District’s Farm to School Committee. Learn More
Through hands-on, interactive lessons, youth explore gardening practices and cooking seasonal produce on our urban farm and at the Ypsilanti Farmers Markets. Learn More
Growing Hope supports garden-based nutrition education on multiple levels, helping to shape future local food system advocates and leaders to expand upon the food justice work we do in all of our Impact Areas. Please consider donating to our Youth & Schools programs to help us continue to support Ypsilanti youth.
Growing Hope’s Teen Leadership Program cultivates young food justice leaders in Ypsilanti by developing skills and knowledge in sustainable farming, food and social justice, cooking, and community organizing. These skills are gained through our year-round summer and after school programs.
This is a paid opportunity open to all high school aged youth who live in Ypsilanti and the surrounding townships. Youth are paid $13/hour for their work.
Click here to apply to the Summer 2025 Teen Leadership Program. Applications close on March 31st.
In our Summer Program, Teen Crew Members spend 8 weeks working on our Urban Farm and dedicating their afternoons to workshops in sustainable agriculture, food justice, cooking lessons, and community organizing. Youth will build community amongst themselves and their neighbors while developing skills to change our food system.
Program dates are June 16th – August 7th, Monday – Thursday, 9 am – 2:30 pm. Crew Members are paid $13/hour and receive free weekly produce bags. Youth must have completed 9th grade and cannot miss more than 4 days over the summer to be eligible.
Feel free to reach out to our Teen & Schools Manager, Jenny Pritchett, with any questions at [email protected].
During the school year, Crew Members continue in our After School Program. Youth deepen their understanding of food justice, plan and maintain parts of the Urban Farm, and lead community gardening and cooking workshops. Crew Members will learn and practice leadership skills like public speaking, group facilitation, and community asset mapping.
After School program dates are September – May, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday from 4-6 pm. Teens are paid $13/hour and receive free weekly produce bags (during the growing season). Youth must have completed the Summer Program in good standing and cannot miss more than 3 days per month over the school year to be eligible for this program.
Our Seed to Plate program is a cooking and gardening series aimed at Ypsilanti students pre-K through 8th grade. Through interactive lessons, youth harvest food from school and community gardens and use seasonal recipes to prepare fresh food. Additionally, youth learn about where and how to access fresh, seasonal food in their neighborhoods.
Through this program we partner with:
Did you know that Ypsilanti Community Schools has a Farm to School Committee? Farm to School is a national network of educators and school administrators working to influence food purchasing and education practices at schools and education sites to include more fresh, locally grown food. Growing Hope is an active member of the Ypsilanti Community School District’s Farm to School committee.
As a result of this initiative, school gardens have been built at every YCS school and are overseen by a newly-created School Garden Coordinator position and we are working to increase procurement of fruits and vegetables from local Michigan farms for school lunches.
Learn More About the National Movement
Learn More About Farm to School Efforts in Ypsilanti Community Schools
Field trips are available to book for 2022. Fill out our Field TripRequestForm for more information.
Our in-person field trips run for 2 hours and include a tour, an age appropriate lesson in nutrition/cooking, and a hands-on seasonal garden activity. We offer three different field trips at our two locations.
The Growing Hope Urban Farm provides fun and experiential field trips for youth PreK-12th grade. Each field trip includes a tour of our urban farm, an age appropriate hands-on lesson in nutrition/cooking, and a STEAM based garden activity. Urban farm field trips are offered March – May and September – mid-November.
Growing Hope provides interactive field trips at the Depot Town Farmers Market. At the market, students will take a tour, meet local farmers, and learn about local food, seasonality, and the benefit of supporting small scale farmers through fun, hands-on activities. Field trips at the Farmers Market are only offered on Saturdays between 10am – 12pm, June – October (when the market is running).
Growing Hope offers field trips at our newly refurbished incubator kitchen. Students will participate in a hands-on lesson on the benefits of local food systems and prepare a seasonal meal in our Incubator Kitchen.
Field trips at the Growing Hope Incubator Kitchen are offered September – May, and are capped at 15 students due to limited space.
Fill out our Field Trip Request Form or contact Esha Biswas, our Youth Programs Coordinator, by phone 734-786-8401, or email [email protected] with the following information:
Growing Hope offers free and paid in-person field trips. Our field trips are a minimum of $150 for groups up to 10 participants and $15 for each additional student. We offer FREE field trips for groups where a majority of students qualify for free & reduced school meals, including all YCS students.
Assistance with transportation costs is available upon request.