Growing Hope


We support people of all ages to grow, prepare, and eat nourishing food through hands-on educational opportunities at our urban farm and in the community. Through workshops, trainings, and field trips, we educate youth, adults, and seniors who have a range of gardening experience and skills. We are also active in school, community, and home gardens throughout Ypsilanti. 

A black and white icon of a graduation cap with a tassel.

Demonstration Gardens

Growing Hope’s Urban Farm provides an educational and demonstration space where people of all ages and backgrounds learn about, grow, and prepare nourishing food together.

Learn More

A hand holding a heart icon on a white background.

Home Vegetable Garden Program

We provide working class Ypsilanti residents with free raised bed gardens, along with compost, seedlings and seeds to start their own home garden.

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A black and white icon of a graduation cap with a tassel.

FARM volunteerism

There’s plenty to do on the Growing Hope Urban Farm and volunteers assist us every step of the way. Learn More

A black and white icon of a graduation cap with a tassel.

community compost

Did you know that it takes twenty-two years for a head of lettuce to decompose in a landfill after you’ve chucked it into the trash? Let’s become a total food-waste-diversion city together! 

Learn More

A hand holding a heart icon on a white background.

tool lending library

The Growing Hope Tools & Equipment Lending Library is designed to make various tools and implements accessible to local producers and landowners. The tools & equipment in the rental program are intended for food production. Learn More

Your Dollars Empower People to Grow their Own Food

Our Farm & Garden programs provide community support for Ypsilanti area residents, schools, and community centers with the gardening knowledge to create and expand their own gardens as well as educate those around them. Home and community gardens help residents have access to more fresh vegetables, save money on groceries, and have agency over their own personal wellness goals. Please consider donating to our Farm & Garden programs to help us continue to support people of all ages to grow and prepare their own fresh food.

How it Works


  • sign up online
  • collect your food-scraps at home
  • bring food scraps to the Ypsilanti Farmers Market
  • exchange your food scraps for a clean bucket
  • reduce waste and nourish the environment!
  • optional: visit the Growing Hope Urban farm and participate in a compost skill share workshop


For a small fee, Growing Hope has limited buckets available for compost collection

What’s Compostable?

  • Acceptable: Fruit and vegetable scraps, Baked goods, Tea bags, Coffee grounds, Eggshells
  • Not acceptable: Meat, Bones, Dairy, Poo

You’ll get more guidance after signing up, but a good rule of thumb is: if Nature made it, it’s probably compostable.


Did you know that it takes twenty-two years for a head of lettuce to decompose in a landfill after you’ve chucked it into the trash? Let’s become a total food-waste-diversion city together!

Commercial Services


Local businesses in Ypsilanti deserve local solutions. We serve small businesses seeking to lower their food waste and reduce their carbon footprint. We work locally, so every dollar you spend with us stays in the community. That’s full circle! Services include weekly container replacement, composting education, and customer service when you need it. We use a sliding scale to ensure our services are equitable and available to every member of our community. Send an email to [email protected] to contact our team and learn more about composting at your place of work.

Please consider donating to us to help us continue to support people of every social status to divert food waste in our community. 


The Home Vegetable Garden Program supports working class Ypsilanti area residents to garden at home. We provide participants with free garden beds or containers, horticultural education, connection with other gardeners, and mentors. Program participants receive free garden beds, compost, seedlings, seeds, and other tools and supplies. In addition to the materials, each gardener receives a mid-season visit from our staff, and the option of a seasoned garden mentor for additional support.

Gardening can provide so many different opportunities and benefits. On top of growing your own food, gardens can provide improvements to your mental and physical health, decrease grocery cost, opportunities for spending quality time with your family and so much more.

If you would are interested in joining the Home Vegetable Garden Program, please contact our Garden Manager, Ayanfe at [email protected] or apply online today! 

Home Vegetable Garden Mentorships

Mentors assist new gardeners in our Home Vegetable Garden Program in setting and reaching their garden goals through one-on-one coaching and sharing resources. Mentors will check in with their mentees, in person or virtually, twice a month during the growing season. Growing Hope will pair up mentees and mentors based on shared interests and skills.

If you would are interested in becoming a mentor please contact our Garden Manager, Ayanfe at [email protected] today! 


Welcome To Growing Hope’s Tool & Equipment Lending Library!

The Growing Hope Tools & Equipment Lending Library is designed to make various tools and implements accessible to local producers and landowners. The tools & equipment in the rental program are intended for food production. We offer Hand Tools, DIY Resources, and larger Equipment rentals.

To Reserve Tools & Equipment:

  1. First, complete the membership form.
  2. If you’d like a printed copy or need help completing this form, please contact us at 734.786.8401.
  3. Create an account to our tool lending library and you’ll receive an email to confirm your account.
  4. You will not be charged unless you incur any fees.
  5. Go to the inventory page to see the tools and equipment available and make reservations.
  6. Schedule a time to pick up your tools.
  7. The tool lending library is available Mondays and Fridays from 2 to 6 p.m. or by appointment.
  8. Upon arrival, see a member of Growing Hope’s staff to visit the tool lending shed
  9. **Tools are due back in seven days unless other arrangements are made.

For questions or support with accounts or reservations, contact our farm team at 734-786-8401 or by emailing [email protected].

Tools & Equipment Wish List:

Want to support the Growing Hope Tool Lending Library? Please contact us if you are interested in donating equipment. Donations are tax-deductible. You can also make a financial gift online.

  • Post Driver
  • Walking Tractor
  • Tree planter
  • Roller crimper
  • Want to add to this list? Submit your request online.

If interested in donating, please contact us at 734-786-8401 or by emailing [email protected].

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